Anue Studio

Creating a brand from nothing

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Project information

Details about Anue Studios Project

About this project

The owner of this company approached me about creating a brand for her new business idea. It's the kind of brief we all love, a clean page to start with and no idea of what they want. Step one, company name. This project gave me the opportunity to explore any avenue that came to mind and to play with ideas and concepts. Anue Studio was born of my love for playing with phonetic ideas and a longing to create a beautiful, simple and elegant brand.

Project data

  • Anue webside
  • Anue logo
  • Anue stationery

The Goal

Creating a new name and visual identity for a serious, professional, dedicated beautification consultant. Focus on a high value brand for clients to buy in to. Creating a concept that will uphold the values through projecting an established, professional feeling.

The Idea

A phonetic play on the words 'A NEW', hinting at a feeling of well being after treatment. Allowing for all materials developed to hang on the idea of 'creating a new you'. Indicative of something more creative and fun over the more formal and 'scary' clinic.

The Result

Launched the new business in September 2013 with immediate reaction from the local market in the Netherlands. The professional look and feel aiding in the success of the initial launch.

The Future

Ongoing marketing support and website development as the business grows. We will continue to monitor the market place for any competitor inivations and try to keep ahead of the game.

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