Hi there. I'm Simon Hardware, a freelance designer, developer and project manager working in the North West. Here you should find some examples of work produced as a designer and an overview of my background working in the advertising industry


This is what I do

  • I design

    By keeping it simple, I approach design in a logical way. The key is to understand you and your Clients. Your needs, your habits, your requirements. With an eye on the current fashion, I use this understanding to breath life into your brand. Whether it’s looking at a complete Corporate ID or just revising your existing literature, you can be assured the design solution will work as hard as you do

  • I code

    I've been focused on UI and UX long before they had acronyms. For me, web design has always been about the journey, so whether its a full site, based on the brands values and identity, or a micro site to breath interaction into a campaign, I have always designed with the user in mind. However, I'm a designer not a code monkey. I have an understanding of HTML, CSS and JQUERY and i'm happy developing sites using these technologies

  • I visualise

    Bringing a design to life is a skill in itself. Whether it's using illustrator or photoshop, I have experience of bringing ideas to life, creating virtual somethings from virtually nothing. So if you need a robot made up from spare engineering parts or just need to see the creative in a real world setting, I have experience in delivering high quality finished visuals for both web and print

  • I manage

    I have managed every type of marketing project you can imagine. Working with a range of Agencies, in the roles of Production/Project Manager, I have managed most types of projects for some very demanding Clients and Creative Directors. Project management contracts have included Goodyear Dunlop, managing all their printed material throughout Europe, Marshalls Plc, producing all marketing materials used for both B2C and B2B


How I do it


I love working with a client from the very start. One of the most important skills I have is the ability to take a wish list and create a creative brief.


Whether it's starting from a clean sheet, or creative to fit within a current Brand ID or campaign, I have the experience to deliver.


Once the scamps and design has been approved, it's time to make it real. I can deliver whether it's finished artwork for print or building websites.


Time to ensure the end product is all it can be. Working with you to test and amend final websites or work with your printers to deliver the best.

  • "Roll out the Hardware." That's what we say when we need help. An invaluable member of my freelance support.

    — Chris Place, Head of Art at Stein IAS EMEA

  • Simon has a fast, fertile mind - quick to grasp the idea and great at finding brilliant ways of making it work.

    — Simon Sinclair, Owner and Head of Chaos at Waggledance

  • Simon has exellent all round knowledge of web and print, and is a nice guy who really knows his onions.

    — Eliot Warrington, Solarcrest - Complete Eco Retrofit


©Simon Hardware 2014, All rights reserved.